View Full Version : part file doesnt turn on spindle

10-15-2020, 05:05 PM
Hey there, the part file loaded from this program does not have a spindle start command .is that the norm for photo v carve. Is there a way to do this automatically...thanks

10-16-2020, 10:51 AM
Yes, that frequently happens on PhotoVcarve and the ShopBot post processor. You can change the post processor. Look for the file ShopBot_inch.pp in the PostP folder under PhotoVCarve.

Locate the "Start of File" section. Add the following lines (include the quotes):
"'Turning router ON"

Under the "End of File" section add:
"'Turning router OFF"

10-17-2020, 09:15 AM
Thanks Randall, will try that next time..in this case I moved the file into aspire and ran it, and saved the toolpath from aspire.