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View Full Version : Offset distance for puzzle-like pieces?

12-26-2004, 08:13 PM
Can anybody give me a good offset distance to use when creating jigsaw-like puzzle pieces? I'm using 1/4" plywood and I want a fairly "finger-snug" fit. I don't want it sloppy, but I don't want to have to hammer the parts together either. Parts will be test fit dry, taken apart and glued. Thanks in advance.


Brady Watson
12-26-2004, 09:43 PM
I wouldn't offset it more than .01"...but then again if you are cutting 1/4" ply, then I imagine it would be very easy to sand the edges to fit if you cut without any allowance.


12-26-2004, 11:13 PM
I'm not sure what a jigsaw puzzle is but I do this wooden puzzle (http://www.cooptel.qc.ca/~usinum/woodenpuzzle_.jpg) (around mid-page) that is to be painted on... I use NO offset for a good tight fit. This a prototype cut out of 1/4" plywood... thoses I sell are made out of 1/4" birch ply with even better fit from what you can see of this prototype...

12-27-2004, 02:25 AM
Looking at your photo, I see that most pieces have both inside and outside cuts on the same piece.
I asume that each piece is designed in CAD seperately to take account of this. It doesn't seem that easy to achieve this. (or maybe all the Christmas indulgence is softening my brain)


12-27-2004, 06:57 AM
Hey Mike,

If the puzzles are for young kids...kindergarten age or so...I use a .005" offset which gives .01" between the pieces. Without that the pieces can be awfully hard to put together and take apart, especially for younger hands.

FYI, there are a few pictures of some of my puzzle sets toward the bottom of the page at http://seaside5592.blogspot.com


12-27-2004, 07:39 AM
A really well thought out and presented website.
A pleasure to visit it.

12-27-2004, 10:19 AM
Only one piece was first design and then used to create the other; it's a must for a good puzzle design... I believe... in fact this whole puzzle design is only from one curve... Bill is right, I think, about a "gap", if the puzzle is for very young ones...