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View Full Version : BotBrain

01-25-2008, 09:21 AM
At first the title to this thread might seem to be a play on some of our long standing ,self imposed "labels" such as "Botheads", and "Botnicks", etc.
Others might use the term to describe what happens to many of us after prolonged exposure to that hunk of blue metal out in the garage/shop ( "he was OK until he got that thing, now he's got a bad case of "Botbrain", etc.).
But it's really a quite amazing gadget from the folks at Edmund Scientifics who are trying to help rehabilitate generations of Luddite knuckle draggers, and pull them (screaming and kicking)into the 21st century.....;
PS- There must be a lot of Luddites out there as this item is currently sold out....