View Full Version : Replacement x and y rails for 2000 PRT

01-16-2010, 10:28 PM
I bought my 48x96 PRT in 2000 and the x and y rails need attention. What have other shops done for the x and y rails of older shopbots when rails sag in the middle from years of wear? It's not entire steel angle rails that are bending, only the top/middle areas where the bearings ride. I emailed Shopbot to see if they sell replacement rails. Does anyone else have any suggestions. Thank you - Roy

01-17-2010, 10:11 AM
Roy: My "temporary" solution for the y was to get some hardened rails from Superior bearings and bolt them over the existing rails. One can do the same for the x. For my x I am removing the angle rail and replacing it with a 1 1/2" square aluminum extrusion and putting hardened rails attached to a 1/2 x 2" aluminum bar onto that.
My Permanent solution for the y is a new gantry.

01-17-2010, 10:34 AM
Roy, you could take the rails off and have a local machine shop true them up for you. Just take a little off the top and re-grind the bevels. That should make them good for another ten years for not to much expense.


01-17-2010, 01:53 PM
Dave - I work with aluminum as far as them being nice posts for signs, however i had no idea they could withstand the working application of a gantry riding back and forth over them. Would you use a .25" thickness to support the weight of a gantry?

Kenneth - I was leaning toward that idea of " a little off the top". I just need to make prior arrangements with the machinist that he needs to do it as soon as i drop them off, to minimize my cnc downtime.

Thank you both. It is my intention to provide a pic detailed chronology of the process as a help for others. The pics will be easy enough, however editing the pics to add wording to them may take me some time. Roy

01-17-2010, 04:41 PM
If you had the money it might be better to replace or true the edge, then add the Bishop Wise Carver rails that the bearings are supposed to ride on.

You may notice a big difference or sag now, but the wear begins again and will cause leveling problems again.

The rails will solve the problem.