View Full Version : Small and simple rustic signette (with a trick)

07-22-2009, 12:42 PM
...probably not a new trick by any means but I hadn't thought about it before. While applying myself in sketching 'real' signs I've been making some give-aways, I'd like to call them 'signettes'. I have tried to go for a rough and simple style that looks a bit hand made.

For one set of these, I took a picture of the sign blank (a piece of oak with part of the log surface showing, it's called vankant in Swedish, don't know the English term). Cropped the pic and resized it to the mm size of the actual blank. Imported this into Vcarve Pro and set as a background image. Then I repeated a simple border pattern such that it followed the vankant. I think it makes for a subtle touch. Again, this is probably really old news, but I hadn't done it before.

This is what the file looks like in Vcarve Pro:


And a close-up:


The signs, stained and oiled;




Nothing special, but I learned something new and I think this could be a really interesting thing to play around with if using a blank with a lot of 'character': one could sketch out the decorative elements to blend into the wood, its curls, knots and etc.

It's too bad Vcarve Pro doesn't have a proper pen tool, because I just realized my Wacom pen & pad works inside Vcarve Pro as well! Oh well, for now the Draw Curve tool works reasonably well.

07-22-2009, 12:53 PM
Henrik, I like those alot.

A very nice use of rough wood.

Great gift idea.


07-22-2009, 01:10 PM

Very nice! I hope you put them on the Vectric forum as well.

Support for the Wacom pen was added with V5, but not much has appeared on the forum about it so its hard to know how popular it is.


07-24-2009, 07:01 AM
Hi Henrik
I call that a "natural edge " A couple years ago a friend wanted a sign on an arched plank. I took a pic of it like you have done. Measured the length and resized the pic in artcam pro 8. Then layed out my lettering. worked like a charm.