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View Full Version : Proposed Fall Workshop

07-11-2009, 08:20 AM
A proposed Fall Workshop is in the making.

I've been talking two a couple of sign artist, Aaron Taylor and Bob Sauls, seasoned sign artist, wanting a get-to-gather this fall. The proposed topic would be Dimensional Signs and would include routing, some gold laying, and Sculpt Nouveau. Right now were seeing if there is enough interest. We wouldn't need more than four or five guys. This is a free event.

The location is a concern. I live in Oklahoma and both of these guys are Floridians so we are looking for somewhere half between. A southern shop location would be good. I may need to limit the attendance as this isn't going to be an organized workshop.

Please let me know if your interested.


07-11-2009, 10:17 AM
I sent you some email

07-11-2009, 10:35 AM
Joe, I would absolutely be interested depending on the location. Keep us posted.

07-11-2009, 11:06 AM
Joe, I know that I'm not a central location, but anytime you want to have something like this in the future, my studio is also available.

We are within walking distance of several hotels and lots of restaurants.

Nearest international airport is Austin (70 miles) but a regional airport is Killeen (25 miles).

My studio is not as big as yours but we have hosted some large groups with no problems. And we have a ShopBot PRTalpha.

We are in Central Texas - Temple. Population of about 75,000.

07-11-2009, 01:07 PM
I vote Raymonds shop :-), actually Raymond I just got assigned to take care of Waco, Temple & Kileen for work, I'd love to visit one day if convenient.

07-11-2009, 01:53 PM
Thanks fellows,

It looks like the event will take place in Knoxville. I just received that message today. Now the topic is leaning to Gilding not CNC.

The real problem is, to make one of these workshops a value to everyone, we need some seasoned artists. I'll keep looking to see if there's anyone outther with a portfolio.

www.normansignco.com (http://www.normansignco.com)

07-11-2009, 02:01 PM
Neville - you are welcome any time. Just give me a call before coming to be sure that we will be here.


Seasoned artists? Does that mean old?

07-11-2009, 03:44 PM
If that's knoxville, tn, I'd be interested. Its about a 270 mile drive for me. I've not done any guilding, but want to learn.
