View Full Version : More foamcraft signs

07-25-2009, 07:38 PM
here are a couple more peachtree foamcraft signs.
i designed these in corel draw and that is the files they used to make the signs out of styrofoam. i visited the factory in Georgia and talked to Ken the owner. You can and we did put toghther standard models of foamcraft signs. I think i did the 1225 in two pieces because the height limit on the shipping is 104''. on spruce hill the letters are signfoam. If i remember correctly we sold the 1225 for around $11,000. but we put an internally lit cabinet in the sign. the faces are just high performance vinyl on lexan. the sign is about 5 years old or so and looks like new. Ken told me at the time that none of their signs have ever failed over the ten years they had been making them and that was about 18 years ago. i kind of like these monuments in cases wehre you really want to match the architecture of the building