View Full Version : Painting Fiberglass

05-21-2009, 10:57 PM
I hope I can get some help and thought the "sign group" was the best to ask. Could anyone share the steps and paint choice (automotive type) to re-paint an older fiberglass truck shell? What does this have to do with signs or the bot? Nothing, unless of course I can find a way to use the bot to create the signage (vinyl lettering most likely) to put our company info on the thing after we paint it.

Thanks in advance and if I'm "barking up the wrong tree" I apologize.

05-22-2009, 07:18 AM
Ed, If the gel coat is in good shape, I normally just wash then scuff the finish and paint without primer. If you have to make repairs, you will need to prime that area. I used DuPont paints and most often Imron. You can get a vinyle cutter and cut your logo on the bot.

05-22-2009, 02:56 PM
Ed, Pettite is the answer. Its a great paint I have used on topsides (boat roofs) many times. I have even mixed it with sand and created non skid that is about 5 years old now still in use.

It comes in every color of the rainbow.


I just noticed a $20 per gallon rebate on the site as well!! http://www.pettitpaint.com/20bucksback/pettitrebateform.pdf

05-22-2009, 06:32 PM
I woulod fix any bad spots prime & sand 'til you are satisfied with the bodywork. Then give it a coat of sanding sealer, so you don't get lifting or crazing around the edges of your bodywork. Lightly block sand the sealer & shoot with a base coat/clear coat. There are many ways to handle it, this is just how I would do it. For a truck a good shot of DuPont Imron would be good too.

05-24-2009, 07:26 PM
Thanks for the input guys. I called a local body shop supply and they can give me a matched paint with the color number. I just have to get them to explain the components and mixing ratios and I think I'll be alright. Thanks again!

05-25-2009, 11:49 AM

Do your self a favor and check what a good local bodyshop would charge to paint the shell. By time you learn how to mix the paint, prep the shell, paint the shell, do the finish work, clear coat the shell, and hope it matches the truck, you could have made a lot of products on the bot and paid a pro to do the shell.


05-25-2009, 03:02 PM
You may be right Jay, but right now business is so slow, I have more time than money. Over the phone, one guy said $400 to paint it. I was hoping to save some bucks to have it lettered since I don't have a vinyl cutter. There is a lot of side glass so I'm looking into that see thru substrate that you can print on. The auto sign guy said it's very expensive.

Oh, and I haven't run a part on the bot in months. You want to buy a bot?
Mostly, I have been spending my time in the fruitless pursuit of commercial bids. In my area that means bidding material cost plus ten percent if you want to be competitive. I can't turn on the vacuum pump for that, although truthfully, we cut on out saws anyway.
