View Full Version : Eco friendy sign backing?

12-03-2009, 07:22 PM
I am bidding on a job cutting aluminum letters and the person wants something that is as friendly as practical. the company is thinking of mdo. but is there anything else that would do the job? the back will be 8'x40" tall. This is outdoor by the way.

12-04-2009, 04:00 AM
I've used sheets of recycled material from http://www.smile-plastics.co.uk/ for eco concious clients in the past. Not cheap but great credentials.

I expect there are many similiar companies your side of the pond.

12-04-2009, 01:28 PM
I was just not sure what would hold up outside. I will check out what my local places have.

12-04-2009, 05:12 PM
Actually I would bid the job for the most amount of profit you can make!
Then tell them anything they want to hear about how ECO-FRIENDLY this product is!
Good luck. John
www.signgraphics1.com (http://www.signgraphics1.com)

12-05-2009, 09:55 AM
Due to the wide cost ranges of materials and the fact that you are bidding, if you plan on picking and specifying any material then you want to ensure they will have other bidders use the same spec. If you bid a re-cycle platform, and someone else bids MDO you are coming in at higher money. You may want to simply bid it the cheapest way possible and have an alternate add for a green based platform.

12-05-2009, 10:46 AM
What does Eco-Friendly mean anyway?
Near as I can tell everything "eco" is a hoax.

Light bulbs, hybrids, bio-diesel, solar, wind and global warming.

Wouldn't true Eco-friendly mean no sign?

You'd think this would be a perfect place for "Payday Loans!" or "Liquor"

12-17-2009, 10:48 AM
anything with an fsc/recycled content or a N.A.U.F. glue line. There are many solid surface materials available such as Paperstone that are considered green. The lumber co. I work for had a meeting on this product yesterday.....www.eswoodco.com (http://www.eswoodco.com)

Lots of neat products out there that have reduced v.o.c.'s and come from sustainable sources. Any questions on "Green", just shoot me an email...
