View Full Version : Editing part files

10-07-2009, 04:18 PM
Hi all,
When machining on older file, I often forget details like cutter size, whether I zeroed at the table or on top of the part and spindle speed and feed rates etc.
I would like to include this information in the part file for future reference. I know how to edit a part file, but where in the file should I enter the above details; at the beginning?


10-07-2009, 04:24 PM
At the beginning would be the best place.
Perhaps just below the file title area.
Clear out an area to put your information.
Separate it from the other junk so it is easy to find.

10-07-2009, 04:38 PM
In my files, I put in information such as:

' 1/4 Ball Cutter

'Is Table Clear?


My machine sets the speed of the cutter so that is not necessary. I wish we could have a "pre" file with any contents we want in it automatically copied into the machining file.

I had asked for this as an option but did not get any reply but it simply solves the problem
(or copywright statement, author, into the file)

I have found a rule or a screw sitting on the bed of the table and the message just reminds me to take a look at the table before hitting the start button.

10-07-2009, 05:26 PM
Being i also forget things or others will be running the file i have made it a habit to put some of the info in the file name itself, for example
25com 75 sheet 1
would break down to a 1/4" compression cutter cutting 3/4" sheet number one.
We pretty much by default zero to the bed but if the file is different then i will edit the part file with this reminder or put it in the file name.
25com ZERO TO TOP OF MAT 75 sheet 1

Just another way of doing things


Gary Campbell
10-07-2009, 05:36 PM
Some of the CadCAM software allows you to add this to the post processor. Even tho it is a fairly straightforward process, any mistake means a non operable tool. For this reason, I do not explain HOW to do this. Many things that work on my machine may not work on others.

Here is an exerpt from my postP:
"'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++"
"'Toolpath Name = [TOOLPATH_NAME]"
"'Tool Name = [TOOLNAME]"
"'File Path = [PATHNAME]"
"'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++"

These entries add the abvious to the parts file. You will have to add your zero, etc manually.

10-07-2009, 05:45 PM
Like Sean, I put it in my filenames:



The first letter is order to run the files in, then description, then cutter type (60hsv is 60deg hersaf v, or 1_4em is 1/4 endmill), then where to zero x and y (zcent: center, zll: lower left), then where to zero z (top or bottom of material).

10-07-2009, 09:47 PM
here is how i do it

type of cut/name of file / cutter 1/8th" ballnose
3D Finish cast 1V2 WO center 18 ballnose.sbp

many times i also put deminsions of part in name or I usually put a txt file in the folder with the toolpaths so that i know the size of the part.

10-07-2009, 10:02 PM
Bill Young made a utility for doing this at my request a few years ago. From the Shopbot screen try Tools/Header Writer.

10-07-2009, 11:36 PM
Wow - The things that are "hidden" in plain sight in this software is amazing.Now if I can just remember to add the notes!

10-08-2009, 07:06 AM
I do a couple of things.
First I lable the tool path file (Duck crib 1-4eztop)
Then I edit the file and look for the first PAUSE. The line above that pause is a great information line. And with the newest SB upgrade 3.6 it is enlarged on the screen.
There I list the file name/Z spot, tool, material/
This information is popped up on the screen prior to the spindle turns on. It has sure saved a few trees for me.

10-08-2009, 07:01 PM
Thanks to you all for the advice.
