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View Full Version : PRT Stepper torque?

02-28-2006, 05:35 PM
Does anyone know the torque rating for the stock steppers on the PRT and PRT Alpha?

I'm planning to do some experimentation with some 400 oz-in and 600 oz-in steppers, G201s, and Mach3. Thanks for any help.

02-28-2006, 06:47 PM
Take a peek at the Oriental Motor web site where you can find all the specs on the motors used by Shopbot. As you will note from the torque curves, the actual torque delivered by the motor depends on its speed and the voltage used to drive the motor. (The 29x series of Oriental Motors steppers, that correspond to 400-600 oz-in steppers, when used with Gecko's G20x and and Art's Mach3 software, will give similar performance to the alpha motors - at least in my experimentation.)