View Full Version : Tough Economic Times.....Bah Hum Bug!!!!

03-10-2009, 11:03 AM
Guys and Gals.... I implore you to turn off CNN!
Now take a second and look around you without that din of negativity surrounding you.
What do you see?
hopefully, all that you saw when you first purchased your ShopBot, and some of those other tools in your shops.
Remember the sleepless nights, when you first got your ShopBot, and you could hardly stop thinking of all the things you could do with it. Sleep, the money your borrowed and offered up to purchase you new CNC and defeat were the last things on your mind. So why should today be any different.

Oh don't get me wrong, I certainly can appreciate set backs. I have had my share. BUT.......
as a song my 2 and half year old recently brought to my attention from the famous Chitty Chitty Bang Bang movie... Up from the ashes grow the roses of success.
And it is sitting right in front of you.

Ok enough banter, now time for the facts.
in 2002... I started sniffing around the world of CNC technology and stumbled across the ShopBot Company.
I was employed with a non-profit group called LiveWorkPlay, in Ottawa, Ontario, teaching young adults with intellectual disabilities how to become inclusive members of society, through a woodworking program. During this time I realized well, frankly these guys did not need bird houses, and frankly how would that allow them to become included members of society anyhow. They needed a product they could design manufacture and sell. so we set to work looking for such a thing. We stumbled across a simple little wooden clock, that we could produce for the tourist trade, and decided we should pursue manufacturing them.
During sorting out the logistics of this venture, I was very wary of injury, and felt having these folks using bandsaws was not really in my or their best interest and looked further into the ShopBot CNC tool to aid us in repetitive cutting.
Realizing the huge investment for such a tool that I was unfamiliar with, and the fact we were a grass roots non-profit... I really had to dig in and learn how to make this work.
One great advantage I had, and I understand it was a huge advantage over 99% of fellow forum members is I did not have to meet overheads and get a product out right away, so this afforded me a lot of opportunity to play with our new tool.
After I would say a good 9 months of playing, we had become fairly confident in this new tool, and with the support of ShopBot staff, and the folks right here on this forum, we had broken bits, crashed into other obstacles, ruined material and in the end ultimately succeeded.
Well, after 2 years, funding streams changed and that meant the focus had changed as well, so this would mean the demise of the woodworking program.
I foolishly thought, with little to no capital I could carry on and do what I always did, make signs and cut custom parts for other people. So I took over all of the assets of the woodworking program and was cock of the walk.
Mr. Man... my own shop and was proud to tell anyone who would listen how great I was....
To those of you who had to endure this, I am very sorry. To others who got swept up in my excitement, I am not sorry as I hope it was inspirational to you, and you could sift through it and take some kernels of knowledge.
Anyhow, like 60% of entrepreneurs, I eventually became a statistic, and closed my shop. I had a child on the way, and needed to get grounded and in a hurry. I took on full time work with a software company that created CADCAM software. This is a job, I would not have even been considered for had it not been for ShopBot. I have no formal training in software development, but what I did have was practical knowledge that no keyboard jockey could provide.
This was a 2 year contract, which ended last July and although I was little concerned, with it ending, it was not more then 24 hrs that opportunities started to arise.
Interestingly enough, the place I landed is a company that came to visit me while I was at LiveWorkPlay, to have a look at our ShopBot tool.
Upon my advice they purchased one themselves.
this past August they offered me a job, to come in as their fabrication manager, and get their shop in order, and their ShopBot, up to speed.

Well It took me a couple months to get my bearings and get my head wrapped around what they were producing.
as of the middle of january, we have been able to increase production on our main parts by a whopping 80%. all due to a little know how, and some unique fixturing.
before we would take 2-3 hours to produce less then perfect 6, 72" long pieces including setup times. Now we produce 9, 98" long parts with perfect accuracy in 12 minutes.
Now I can not take all the responsibility for this, as they already had the basics sorted out, I just needed to refine and tweak it to get it to maximum capacity.
Our shop is not as quiet as most, yet we do have some lags in production, and these give me opportunities to reflect on all the neat stuff we can make our CNC do. and I try at least 3 times a day to let those juices flow, to ensure I am always trying to push the bounds.
this has paid off, yesterday, I was informed that I am to receive a raise and a bonus. This to me is remarkable given such economic times.
In the end, I need to say thanks to ShopBot, and all the great contributors to the forum, who have allowed me to get paid for playing.

03-10-2009, 11:36 AM
Congratulations, Dale. Need a helper?

Brady Watson
03-10-2009, 11:36 AM
Don't forget to thank YOURSELF, Dale! It takes hard work, big dreams, and tenacity to keep the ball rolling. You've always had a good head on your shoulders, so I am not suprised that you are getting kudos for what you bring to the table.

I agree...My business shows little signs of slowing or the effects of this so-called 'recession'. If everyone 'kept their eyes on their own paper' & 'minded their own business', then I think it would quiet much of the doom & gloom banter looming in the background.

Glad that you are doing well & congrats on the new baby!


03-10-2009, 12:52 PM
Way to go Dale - see there is good news if you know where to look for it - or how to make it happen yourself.

03-10-2009, 01:30 PM
Good to hear Dale. Life is a journey with ups, downs and forks in the road. Glad you turned off onto a fork with some new challenges and rewards.
You deserve it!

03-10-2009, 01:58 PM
hey Brady as for kids I have moved on to Build 2.0 ... Time Flies.

Thanks for the warm response guys!



03-10-2009, 02:01 PM

CNN is turned off, I stopped reading much of the papers (I read the comics daily) and having your message, has made for a wonderful day. We are 45 degrees in Boston ... AND IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!

03-10-2009, 07:39 PM

What gorgeous kids!
What more can you ask for?!


03-10-2009, 09:09 PM
Dale, I hope they aren't future Senators fans!


03-10-2009, 09:56 PM
Dale since you are so quick to give us credit for your advancement I will be sending you my address off forum where you can send me my portion of your bonus. I will be happy to spend it for you.lol

03-11-2009, 09:08 AM
Erminio, you are correct. Post man is a handsome character...LOL
Darren, not so sure about the sens these days...arrrggh, this was suppose to be a positive post.
Jack, cheque is in the mail!

03-11-2009, 02:27 PM
Yeah, sure..."you'll pay me on payday", right? lol. You have a beautiful family (they must get their looks from their mother huh?)

Their is nothing more life altering then having kids. I'm on grandkids now and that is the hilite of my day going over and seeing them get of the school bus. Just wait till then you think its fun now....

03-11-2009, 02:39 PM
Congrats on the success. We've been doing better than expected ourselves. However, I try not to say too much about how "well" I'm doing when I'm sitting next to the guy at Church that lost his job then his wife lost hers, then they lost their house after paying on it for 12 years and due to the drop in values have virtually no equity in it. They did everything right based on conventional wisdom but got the short end of the deal.

The recession is out there if you know how to look for it. I find those that can always find a way to generate money for themselves, think out of the box and can adapt taking things in stride fair the best. Those that work 9 to 5's and know nothing else it can be hit very hard.

I've already committed my random act of kindness today... have you?


03-11-2009, 10:56 PM
Has anyone read the book the Secret by Rhonda Byrne?If so tell me what you think , and if you havent maybe it wouldnt hurt to do so. And no its NOT on Opera's book list ..