View Full Version : How to do

03-19-2009, 12:38 AM
If a person wanted to form, say a circular handrail, and wanted to ease the bit into the side a little at a time would I have to make multiple files? Is it possible to "stack" files so one wouldn't have to start each file one at a time? Also what would be the maximum size diameter bit I would "safely" use on my HSD spindle? Thanks in advance!

03-19-2009, 08:27 AM
When you say circular handrail I assume you mean LEVEL curved rail (like you would see on a balcony popout).

The way I do my curved rail (and fittings like quarter turns, volutes etc.) is by easing into the profile a little at a time just as you stated.

The yellow lines represent the path of the bit used to profile the side. It begins from the outer line and steps in closer and closer. Depending on the hardwood used it could go as many as 12 passes (6-8 is usually fine).


Top portion of the profile uses a different bit and starts up high working its way down. Once the initial programming is done to align both bits perfectly it's quite quick to get things working right.

Staying on the same subject (handrail)..as far as maximum diameter...I use something like a volute as a guide. You COULD use a bit that is half the width of a rail (1 5/16" for example) but will have a hard time making a volute. There is a tight area on a volute that you need to squeeze into. Using a separate bit for the side allows you to get into those tight spaces AND perform multiple passes (which are safer...and I've never had a blow out doing it this way).

Hope this helps


03-19-2009, 10:31 PM
I understand everything you have said but one thing. How does one make a single file make the cutter to "step" into the cut at different depths until the desired radius is obtained?

03-20-2009, 07:19 AM
Someone else will need to chime in here Daryl...I write my own programs so I could not tell you about how to achieve the method using Partworks (or another program). Just wanted you to see that the methods you are after were being used by someone.


03-20-2009, 08:57 AM

This is a section of code that my program outputs...this answers the HOW portion of making a single file to step into a cut. Aside from using this block of code (which you are more than welcome to do) I don't know how the software you are using does it.

This block of code has the bit stepping down multiple depths...stepping into a blank from the SIDE must be done using different (Offsetting) toolpaths..if it is to be curved that is. Stepping in from the side on a straight line could be done this way but would require your code to add (or subtract) position values.

'''''''''''''''''Start block of code

JZ,&ZUP 'Raise bit to safe height

&ZDOWN=-0.1000 'Assign value to Z depth
GOSUB MAKECUT 'Execute cut - code below

JZ,&ZUP 'Raise back up to safe

END 'End program

MAKECUT:'This is the actual cut using multiple Z

J2,15.0142,9.3293 'Jog to start position
MZ,&ZDOWN 'Step down as per assigned value
CC,28.7500,T,1,151.817,208.183,,1 'Make cut

RETURN 'Go back and assign new value