View Full Version : Hersaf v- bit selection

01-02-2008, 05:11 PM
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could suggest some v-bit sizes. I am just starting out with a buddy standard with 2.2 hsd spindle. I would like to get a couple hersaf v-bits and I am unsure what to get. They have small body and regular sizes to choose from. I hope someone could help me on what would be most useful. Would the regular body be too large to be useful on a buddy system? Thanks to all. Doug

Gary Campbell
01-02-2008, 05:51 PM
Let the materials and objects that you will V carve determine the bits. 60 deg bits cut .58 wide for .5 depth, 90 deg. cut 1"w and 120 deg. cut 1.74"w. Each are half of that for max 1/4" carve depth etc. Use the maximum width of your font or object vs. the material thickness to determine the bit you use. You shouldn't be limited by the spindle on your buddy, just overall material size. You might want to pick up at least the 60 and 90 to see how they look to you. Some fonts look better carved with different bits, but I will defer that to the sign guys.