View Full Version : Still around and kicking...

05-08-2009, 01:50 PM
I've not posted but a few times for a while. Got a call from someone to see if I was still going... yep... still going. I thought I'd take time to post while taking a short break today.

The past couple of months have been record breakers for us. We've sold more bat houses in the past 2 months than any two months combined in almost 4 years. Orders have been for the large houses too... which is GREAT. Our kits are selling steadily as well. I can't complain.

The bat bot is going strong. I recently did a "service" on it replacing pinions, filing on the rails a bit to get rid of burs etc... I will add that second Z one day! I've still not worked out a dust foot solution to accomodate both Z's. I made a few mods on her as well, I'll post some information in the mods forum about them.

2006 PRT Alpha96, great machine, still going strong! 4HP HSD Spindle, purring along though I have noticed her tune changing a little, I suspect bearing wear might be the cause but they don't last forever, still no run out or bad vibrations. Operator worn out, run down and in bad need of an overhaul.


05-08-2009, 04:32 PM
I recommend a liberal dose of wd40 on the creaky worn out joints on the operator. I find one shot to each knee and 2 doses to each shoulder does wonders to keep him running smoothly.

You need to listen for any strange noises indictiive of potential problems. If you hear....
"oooh" or "aaagh" when he is active it may be time for a complete tune up.

05-08-2009, 06:29 PM
This operator has those cereal noises he starting up in the morning. You know the ones Snap Crackle and Pop.

05-08-2009, 07:52 PM
I was just wondering about you the other day Rob.
Good to hear business is good.
Always good to read your postings.

05-08-2009, 11:19 PM
It used to be the cereal i ate , now its the noise my bones make. Snap ,crackle and pop. Hey batman , glad to see the bat housing market is making a strong gain, now if the other housing will do the same that would be great.
Jack , I didnt believe the wd40 thing for your joints but it does work. An old timer told me about it before i got to be an old timer. boy time flies, now all i need is the fun part.