View Full Version : Troubles with X axis

10-21-2009, 02:59 PM
New user with Z travel problem. When I zero the Z axis with the aluminum plate and alligator clip, it sets the coordinate to 1.000, however it is less than .500 from the table surface. Another issue I have is that when I run the sample 'Open' sign part file, the cutter cuts at an indicated -.125 depth, then moves downward into the material again, does another pass, then descends even further into the material. At each depth, it still indicates -.125 as the Z location. I apologize for my lack of technical jargon, but I am new at this. Thanks for any tips. Hal at Granby High School

11-03-2009, 07:59 AM
Try posting again if you don't get a response. I'm new to this also and had to ask a couple of times rewording my question. But someone did help and this forum has a ton of knowledege about the bot...good luck