View Full Version : Completed a very large sign (for me)

12-26-2007, 09:50 AM
I'll tell first since I forgot to bring my CF card this morning to upload pictures.

I completed an "over the driveway" sign out of a single 2x12 by 16' long cedar beam. I carved "FARKAROSA" 100" long centered in the middle of the board. Then I used a torch and burned the letters into the wood. It turned out well and the pictures will explain everything... but that's not really why I'm sharing.

The lady was getting it for her husband for Christmas. She originally thought oak would be a good idea but I explained the weight issues and she seemed happy with cedar. Then I learned that Norcross Supply (the only Atlanta cedar supplier in earnest) burned to the ground in mid November. So I had to wait for stock. I finally did get the board little more than a week before Christmas. From there, things went well. She came Sunday before Christmas to pick it up.

I was very clear as to the size and weight of the finished product. She arrived in a small honda type SUV without a roof rack even... not a pickup truck as suggested. When I first saw the vehicle I thought she was going to have to either leave it or I'd have to cut it in half.

She had me place the board on the front dash leaving it stick 6 feet out the rear hatch. Her son was to ride in the back seat holding the board. I tied it down as well as I could. I also reminded her not to forget and back into something because it would push her windshield out if she did. I've not heard from her since but I hope everything went well.

I know she was doing the best she could and don't fault her for that... but she now holds the record for picking up something from me with the most mis-matched vechicle. I'm sure others of you have much better stories.

If you are wondering the verbage is a pun on the family's last name using PONDAROSA as inspiration. I will post photos this evening.


12-26-2007, 06:53 PM
And the pictures... I have more but I don't feel like sitting here and twiddling with them until they are less than 50k


12-27-2007, 08:31 AM
I onced had a man pickup a washer/dryer stacked combo with a Ford Pinto, but thats another story. Nice sign!

12-29-2007, 11:27 AM
The real "Meet The Farker's"

03-14-2008, 12:05 AM
Not as good as yours, but I have a photo. This is how far the 2'x8' Flatiron Building mosaic (http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/messages/17997/28814.html?1205461564) went in my car when I brought it home from the shop. I really need to buy a truck.
