View Full Version : Made this for my son

09-09-2009, 08:24 AM
I made this for my son who in Iraq he was home on leave for two week and I gave it to him while he was here.

09-09-2009, 08:30 AM
Beautiful! What kind of wood is it? My thanks to your Son and his family.

09-09-2009, 09:01 AM
I was at a saw mill that I go to offend and this piece of American Cherry was laying in the scrap I ask him if he sell it to me, I pay $2 for it was 16" X 18" X 1" thick , I cut out the a 12 x 12 for my son gift and still had some left over, I took the plaque over to let the guy see it and he couldn't believe it. he ask me how mean thing I made from the scrap wood I get from him, I didn't tell him most of it.

09-09-2009, 05:36 PM
Nice job. what software did you use?
My thanks also to your son.

09-09-2009, 09:19 PM
"I didn't tell him most of it"

... and thats smart business. Good for you.

Nice job too.

09-10-2009, 08:13 AM
I used aspire, made it from a bmp. yes he now ask me what I going to use the wood for, I just tell him that (the wood hasn't told me what it want to be yet!!) I was in there the other day and he ask me to do some thing for him to sell at the shop he has.

08-08-2012, 06:08 PM
Beign a CW2, and a member of the Razorback chapter of the United States Warrant officer Association, it would be cool if I could make some of these plaques for my fellow Warrants that are servins as our innaugural officers.

Rober, I have put in 20 hours trying to get my Eagle Risining to look as good as yours. You must have had a better BMP file to work with.


08-08-2012, 07:14 PM
Thanks for sharing this project and the story with us. You have also shown the truth to "samples sell work" once again. And the sample is doing double duty!!

08-08-2012, 08:40 PM
I"m RETIRED FROM THE NAVY WITH 30... THAT IS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND IT IS TOP QUALITY WORK... I HAVE A W.O. ORNAMENT IF YOU WILL SEND ME A E-MAIL TO eking1953@yahoo.com and give my a mail to address will send you one for your wife and your son.
by the way.. we sponsor units in Iraqi and Afghanistan, we sponsor the wounded warrior fishing tournament, as well as programs for homeless vets.

thanks for posting that.

08-11-2012, 11:03 PM
I want to thank you and your son for his service! I just wish my dad had done such a kind thing for me. Thank you so much!!!!! This country needs more people like you and your son!!!!!