' file created by ShopBot sTunes software ' Copyright Bill Young and ShopBot Tools 2006 ' User takes responsibility for the effects and outcomes of the use of this program. ' Your ShopBot will begin by moving to the 0,0,0 point, pause for 2 seconds, and then start moving to play the song. ' Read the values below and make sure that your ShopBot can safely move within that range. ' Maximum X-axis value for this file is 3.676338 ' Minimum X-axis value for this file is 0 ' Maximum Y-axis value for this file is 3.185465 ' Minimum Y-axis value for this file is 0 ' Maximum Z-axis value for this file is 3.872885 ' Minimum Z-axis value for this file is 0 ' Fastest X and Y axis jog speed is 1.74 ' Fastest Z-axis jog speed is 1.643 INPUT "Type (Y) to move to 0, 0, 0 to start the song, or any other key to cancel." &letsgo IF &letsgo <> Y THEN END J3, 0, 0, 0 ' Save the current Jog Speeds... &oldJogXYSpeed = %(76) &oldJogZSpeed = %(78) PAUSE 1 JS,, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.324 J3,,, .474 JS, 1.74 ' note duration = 0.313 J3,, .545 JS, 1.643 ' note duration = 0.313 J3,, 1.059 JS, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.266 J3, .389 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.355 J3, .852 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.328 J3,,, .115 JS, 0.87 ' note duration = 0.375 J3, .526 JS,, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.418 J3,,, .523 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.156 J3,,, .352 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.449 J3,,, .937 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.156 J3, .345 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.328 J3,, .699 JS,, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.297 J3,,, 1.228 JS,, 0.87 ' note duration = 0.207 J3,,, 1.048 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.078 J3,, .598 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.109 J3,,, 1.190 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.125 J3,,, 1.353 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.141 J3, .161 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.16 J3,,, 1.561 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.184 J3,, .396 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.152 J3,, .573 JS,, 1.231 ' note duration = 0.137 J3,,, 1.393 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.77 J3, 1.005 JS, 1.035 ' note duration = 0.262 J3,, .844 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.297 J3,, .518 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.113 J3, 1.136 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.547 J3,, 1.154 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.215 J3,, 1.390 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.902 J3, 2.184 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.172 J3, 2.384 JS,, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.203 J3,,, 1.157 JS,, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.172 J3,,, .957 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.309 J3,, 1.728 JS,, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.328 J3,,, 1.338 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.172 J3,,, 1.562 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.531 J3, 3.076 JS,, 1.231 ' note duration = 0.172 J3,,, 1.351 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.934 J3,,, 2.569 JS, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.375 J3, 3.625 JS, 1.74 ' note duration = 0.406 J3,, 2.435 JS, 1.643 ' note duration = 0.41 J3, 2.951 JS,, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.387 J3,,, 3.135 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.375 J3,,, 2.646 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.344 J3, 2.574 JS, 0.87 ' note duration = 0.863 J3,, 3.185 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.172 J3, 2.386 JS, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.75 J3, 1.653 JS,, 0.922 ' note duration = 0.176 J3,,, 2.483 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.578 J3, 2.287 JS, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.566 J3, 1.734 JS, 0.922 ' note duration = 0.191 J3, 1.910 JS, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.578 J3,, 2.621 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.594 J3, 2.684 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.145 J3,,, 2.642 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.551 J3,,, 3.246 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.137 J3,, 2.471 JS, 1.035 ' note duration = 0.375 J3, 3.072 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.41 J3, 2.623 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.781 J3, 1.715 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.137 J3,, 2.621 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.605 J3,, 1.918 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.141 J3,, 1.754 JS,, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.703 J3,,, 2.429 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.172 J3, 1.915 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.375 J3,, 2.165 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.434 J3, 2.420 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.141 J3, 2.604 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.543 J3,, 2.873 JS, 1.231 ' note duration = 0.172 J3, 2.392 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.984 J3,, 1.590 JS,, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.406 J3,,, 3.023 JS, 1.74 ' note duration = 0.422 J3, 3.126 JS,, 1.643 ' note duration = 0.41 J3,,, 2.350 JS, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.402 J3,, 1.002 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.422 J3, 3.676 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.348 J3,,, 2.731 JS, 0.87 ' note duration = 0.387 J3,, 1.338 JS, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.453 J3,, 1.781 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.141 J3,, 1.626 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.797 J3, 2.637 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.188 J3,, 1.845 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.449 J3,,, 2.239 JS,, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.391 J3,,, 2.621 JS,, 0.87 ' note duration = 0.438 J3,,, 3.002 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.078 J3, 2.535 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.109 J3,, 1.987 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.156 J3,,, 3.205 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.156 J3,, 1.784 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.141 J3,,, 3.022 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.125 J3,, 1.947 JS, 1.231 ' note duration = 0.16 J3,, 2.144 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.191 J3,, 1.922 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.926 J3,, .907 JS, 1.035 ' note duration = 0.25 J3,, .648 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.406 J3, 2.980 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.141 J3, 2.816 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.641 J3, 3.561 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.172 J3,,, 3.210 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 1.031 J3, 2.363 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.141 J3,, .484 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.563 J3,, 1.138 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.156 J3,, .957 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.375 J3, 1.952 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.375 J3,, .521 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.141 J3, 2.136 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.516 J3,, 1.194 JS, 1.231 ' note duration = 0.141 J3,, 1.368 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.859 J3, 1.016 JS,, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.453 J3,,, 3.873 JS, 1.74 ' note duration = 0.422 J3,, 2.102 JS, 1.643 ' note duration = 0.391 J3,, 2.744 JS, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.391 J3,, 2.172 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.391 J3, .506 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.375 J3,,, 3.462 JS, 0.87 ' note duration = 1.016 J3,, 1.289 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.125 J3,,, 3.325 JS, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.656 J3,, 1.929 JS,, 0.922 ' note duration = 0.141 J3,,, 3.195 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.578 J3, 1.140 JS, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.656 J3, 1.781 JS, 0.922 ' note duration = 0.141 J3, 1.651 JS, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.813 J3, .856 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 1.063 J3, 2.242 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.109 J3, 2.123 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.703 J3, 1.352 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.141 J3,, 2.084 JS, 1.035 ' note duration = 0.484 J3,, 2.585 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.422 J3,, 3.047 JS,, 1.162 ' note duration = 1.234 J3,,, 1.761 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.141 J3, 1.198 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.906 J3, 2.251 JS,, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.125 J3,,, 1.616 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.813 J3,, 2.103 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.141 J3,, 1.939 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.422 J3, 1.788 JS,, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.438 J3,,, 1.107 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.188 J3,,, 1.352 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.672 J3,, 2.815 JS, 1.231 ' note duration = 0.141 J3, 1.615 JS,, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.922 J3,,, .150 JS, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.313 J3,, 2.357 JS, 1.74 ' note duration = 0.453 J3,, 1.569 JS, 1.643 ' note duration = 0.469 J3,, .798 JS, 1.463 ' note duration = 0.391 J3, 2.187 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.438 J3, 2.758 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.391 J3, 2.329 JS, 0.87 ' note duration = 0.531 J3,, 1.260 JS, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.438 J3, 2.757 JS,, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.172 J3,,, .338 JS, 1.304 ' note duration = 0.859 J3, 1.637 JS, 1.162 ' note duration = 0.156 J3,, 1.079 JS, 1.096 ' note duration = 0.719 J3, 2.425 JS,, 0.977 ' note duration = 0.328 J3,,, .659 JS,, 0.87 ' note duration = 1.156 J3,,, 1.664 ' Finally restore the original settings JS,&oldJogXYSpeed JS,,&oldJogZSpeed