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Thread: R&b tool supply, inc. 'Registration' Info.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R&B Tool Supply, Inc., Apple Valley Cal.

    Default R&b tool supply, inc. 'Registration' Info.

    Gentlemen, good morning. I would like to take a moment after reading your comments to reflect a little. What we ask for in our registration process is simply your mailing address and your shipping address along with your email address, and phone number. Nothing that is sensitive or not already public information. Our in house use of this information is to enable us to be able to contact you if there is a need regarding an order, and to possibly provide information about new things if you check off that area that it is okay for us to do so. We are not a new company. We are a ‘Branded Corporation’, and with that brand come a promise of quality, and service. We invented many of the bits you all use today, and we are a data bank on how to use them. Our website is in its infancy. Currently it is at its most basic operational status. It will continue to evolve and to improve. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Melbourne, Australia


    Keith there is no way I will register just to be able to view prices. I'm pretty sure others feel the same way.
    Buddy BT48 with 6' power stick
    2.2 HSD Spindle
    Aspire 9.5
    6" ShopBot Indexer

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Hobby-Tronics, Chiloquin Oregon


    Seems to me that if:

    "already public information"

    Then ya' probably don't need it!

    AKA: Da Train Guy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    If you place an order then you could require all that info but not to see prices. I did get a PM from you saying that you have different prices for different people based on how they are set up. I don't like that style of sales. I can understand wholesale vs retail but not end user, distributor, jobber, or factory rep.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Delray Beach, FL


    Do you limit your sales to only commercial customers with business licenses? Do you limit your sales to only the above and who are only certain specific types of businesses. In that case you are entitled to pre-qualify your customers just as many jobbers and/or wholesalers will not sell to the general public.

    Will you sell to anyone who orders tools and prepays for them before you ship?

    In that case you are not entitled to their information in exchange for simply letting them see your prices. Even if you are being secretive regarding your prices for some sort of fear from competitors getting that knowledge, a competitor would still have no problem getting through your registration process as it currently is. So it really gets down to: What in Sam Hill are you hiding and why?

    Based on Jerry's comment I would suggest you post your "retail to the public" prices and make it clear that commercial pricing is available to those who qualify.

    Nancy already closed this topic once-I wouldn't be surprised if this time it is not only locked but deleted!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Port Orchard WA


    I watched this thread the last time before it was closed and considered the question. As the on-line businesses have developed over the last ten years we as consumers at whatever level, get to visit websites and do business if we chose. It’s pretty open and straight forward.
    When I built my home 12 years ago, we considered radiant heat. I visited the local plumbing supply house to try and get a feel for the costs of different design options. I ran straight into the business model Keith is presenting. What I will call a shell game. We have numerous pricing models depending on who you are. We only provide information to licensed contractors. Any number of methods that the vendor controls or try’s to control the consumer. It’s all BS, and today’s internet is ending it. Today’s internet is more information, exchanged freely, without condition. I’m sure more goes on behind the scenes than I am comfortable with, but it is behind the scene, not in my face.
    Keith your posting to the forum and its members is an attempt to promote your business to a fairly large group of low volume sales. You are using a model that is dead, and I for one am glad. It may have a place in doing business with larger businesses / manufacturing / distribution, but my feeling is not here.
    For me registering with a business to start the process is a non-starter. You may have the best product, information, and pricing, but you need to publish it, so we as low level consumers can compare without the shell game. It’s what today’s internet has given me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Oakwood GA


    I would suggest firing your Marketing Director and Web Developer for giving you bad Internet Marketing 101 advice. Your website road map is from the 90's. My 2 cents...

    Like Nancy said before the point has been made.

    Andy B.
    Andy Brooks
    Oak Branch Manufacturing and Assembly, LLC
    PRTAlpha 48x96 w/ 5 HP Spindle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R&B Tool Supply, Inc., Apple Valley Cal.

    Default "public information"

    Mr. Wood, Good morning. There is information from this forum that all of you have signed up with. I can certainly use this info to contact any one of you, and that is nice. I can not use this public information myself because it must be entered into our website through the portal of the login in concert with your password by you personally. It is then listed behind the scenes where we simply check a box off for the type of business you are running ( Wholesale re-selling ) or personal use ( the End User Retail ). Then we can post the correct pricing for your business circumstance for you to see from this point on every time you simply log in. If I do not manually check off one of these two boxes for any given customer nothing gets posted as far as prices are concerned. Thanks Keith

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R&B Tool Supply, Inc., Apple Valley Cal.

    Default Different prices

    Good morning Mr. Stanek, It is not about who any person may or may not be. It is all about the type of business a person may be operating. Re-sale or personal usage. There are only two price lists here. I agree that having different prices for different people would be a poor practice. We do not indulge in that practice. Thanks. keith.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R&B Tool Supply, Inc., Apple Valley Cal.

    Default Sell to anyone?

    Good morning Mr. Rosenbleeth,

    If a person is operating a company making any type of a product and then selling it, then they are operating escentually a commercial business. They are welcome to buy from us or anyone else. A business liscense is not a requirement to buy online, or from the House. We do not sell to just anyone. We are open to just about anyone however. I am the gate keeper, or the filter. As business owners we all reserve the right to refuse service. If I need to I can apply this on our site, or otherwise.

    It is not always a requirement to pre-pay an order to us. We have an option to "pay by account" at checkout. It then sends that order to a different work station here where that order will be run through that particular house account if one is setup before hand; for instance a net 30 situation. Thanks Keith B.

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