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Thread: Z axis target bolt moved

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Akron OH

    Question Z axis target bolt moved

    I have an Alpha with a spindle and an ATC. Noticed the machine was traveling kind of high in the Z on the way to a tool change and sure enough the spindle was not where it was supposed to be to put the tool in the tool holder. Ran C3 again, no help. Figured out the Z target bolt had slipped on the back of the spindle. My question is: Where is the target bolt supposed to be. I've looked through my directions and I can't find anything that calls this out. I understand the exact placement probably doesn't matter but I assume it needs to be between _ and _? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    iBILD Solutions - Southern NJ


    You have to get up on the table and look down behind the YZ car. You should see it sticking out of the 2X3 Z extrusion.

    If it is loose, tighten it. Rather than trying to adjust the bolt, adjust the barrel screw on the sensor itself...which is under the Z motor on the back of the YZ car. Gap it for .02-.03". You may find bottoming out the sensor (carefully!) and then backing it out about 1.5 turns the easiest method.

    High Definition 3D Laser Scanning Services - Advanced ShopBot CNC Training and Consultation - Vectric Custom Video Training

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Akron OH


    It loosened so much that it dropped to the bottom of the extrusion. There is no mark as to where it was so I'm not sure where to place it. 3" from the top of the extrusion? 6"? I don't remember placing this bolt when we put the machine together and can't find anything in the directions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    iBILD Solutions - Southern NJ


    OK...I don't have one here for reference, so the best thing I could advise would be the following:

    Turn control box off. Move Z all the way to top of stroke by hand. Turn control box on, press reset.

    Now slide the target up until you see it light up. Then back it off about 1/4" until the input light goes out or the prox sensor light comes back on.

    Run C3 to make sure it all works as you'd expect. Adjust as necessary.

    The bummer is that you'll have to go through the calibration routine again for all of your tools, but that doesn't take too long.

    You'd have to call SB support to get an exact distance, but I think you'll be fine winging it. It ain't rocket science as they say...

    High Definition 3D Laser Scanning Services - Advanced ShopBot CNC Training and Consultation - Vectric Custom Video Training

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Marquette, MI


    Since the Z prox trips on the upstroke, I would place the target bolt at the top and the Z axis (as per Brady's instruction) about an eighth below max height and move the target bolt DOWN until it goes active. Secure and check clearance between prox and target as per manual

    Then follow the C3 and recalibrate instruction
    Gary Campbell
    GCnC Control
    Servo Controller Upgrades

    "We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them"
    Albert Einstein

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