Firewood finds are often the nicest looking pieces!![]()
Firewood finds are often the nicest looking pieces!![]()
That is really nice!!
What a Shame Scott to have an irregular double live edge slab with a HOLE in it!!![]()
ANOTHER beautiful piece!!
Something satisfying working on slabs...wish I had your source/stash AND your back and machine
Some of this stuff is pushing the limits of my Desktop Z....but where there's a will........
Like how irregularities make you think originally....I've been picking up different pieces for days trying to figure the best use of them
May just build a 25' rack against greenhouse kneewall (no direct sun)so I can store them flat and see them more often..out of sight,out of one of my faults.
scott P.
2013 Desktop/spindle/VCP 12.0*
Playing again today with that Sugar Maple I cut down(cutting better than I thought
Didn't get everything right, but that's why I used a piece with splits.
Pics only go as far as the last pass with the 1mm TBN....I used 3 different finish passes with that by raising my Z-zero up .5" and then dropping down in 2 .25" passes at 8% stepover.
Final REAL Finish pass is with a .25mm Tapered Ball Nose at 3% stepover, and for that, I MN'd my Z down .015"...It'll be dark and I'll be starving before this cut is done
First 3 cuts were 23 minutes...this one's 4 hours for the fur/face details.
SHOULD be a LOT better(fingers crossed!)
I really expected a LOT of FUZZIES cutting a Maple limb that cracked off in December, and just got sectioned last week.
Using my pine resin/Linseed/citrus(50%) penetrating mix helped I think(it Certainly kept the chips together!).
A FUN day except for all the recalculating
Looks better here than in a brushpile!
scott P.
2013 Desktop/spindle/VCP 12.0*
Not totally happy with it.
Next time I'll use a negative Allowance on the 1mmTBN, and THEN cut with no Allowance with the .25mmTapered Ball Nose to get rid of the "Ditch"edge of the model, and eliminate the edge stepover marks on the .745" deep model edges so that it blends more with the sidewalls....Live and Learn
Also no more wet wood cutting, had to apply a stiffening coat and then cut it again at .006" deeper to eliminate wet wood "Velvet Fuzzies", which are the dickens to get rid of!!
(Parked the spindle over it and used spindle warm air to speed drying)
Good experiment though...learned a lot!
scott P.
2013 Desktop/spindle/VCP 12.0*
especially like the natural frame.
Brian...IF your talking about Scott Worden's Walnut Slab work....look here;
I looked for the thread that had a link to his other slab work pictures, but didn't look hard enough apparently
IF talking about my wet Sugar Maple round...Pure S*** Luck.....SHOULD have taken a flat on pic...entered it in my App Data-Wood folder...and sizing would have been better on this Proto....
REALLY considered Aspire after that cut( AND the Oak Burl "Bowl" that Phill5 in UK was kind enough to make me an .stl as Fluting Toolpath get's Funky when Radial Arraying, and THEN trimming funky vectors!!)
LOVING Scott's slab work....also Check out Steve Glassel's beautiful slab stashes!!![]()
IF for not cutting "Firewood" for thicker small pieces for my Tiny stuff, I'd be trimming sections off my long slabs( NOT HAPPENING!), and going to a hardwood dealer and saying;
"I'll take one foot of this 12/4X16' slab. and 2' off this 10/4X12' "......AND PROMPTLY get kicked out of the shop!!!![]()
scott P.
2013 Desktop/spindle/VCP 12.0*