So here we go again. After over a month of not having issues, this the PRT Alpha gremlin showed up. I ran my machine all day Friday, shut it down at the end of the day and went to use it this afternoon to find that it would not 0,0 where it is supposed too. I went to rezero through the "set-up" process- "make it easy on me" to find that it had some how reverted back to a "PRT Alpha" setting yet again. (And you can't just click PRSAlpha, you have to go through some back door settings) Frank set me straight on this last time but I failed to write down how to change it to PRS Alpha. Any one have the answer to this on football Sunday?

How/why does this control software do this? It makes no sense to me. Change nothing during a cut session and restart to a something completely different... This is so frustrating!

Many thanks...