I should have asked what kind of cuts you were making Rocco.
New bits for the job and charge customer for it.
Profile cuts/
3D or moulding toolpath cuts?
It's very hard to go wrong if you start slow with lower rpm,and once bit stays cool with good chips...gradually increase both proportionally to best speeds.
I kinda like that my 2014 Desktop has to be manually speed controlled...I can guestimate on new stuff with my hand on VFD and watching chips,dial a speed in without knowing what the speed is until best finish/chips are going 
Depending on the bit, an X,Y feed of 60-90IPM and 13-15K will probably get you in the ball park(depending on bit size/flutes,etc.).
A good way for depth of cut is either 1/2 diameter to start, or do a zig-zag "Z" Fluting toolpath at guestimates "Linear""Start and End" at 3/4 bit diameter, and inspect finish(for profile cuts).
Any questions, feel free to e-mail me if you want to send bit questions with pics.
"Wise Man" was about 3hrs at 6% step
Seemed like a GREAT cutting wood capable of fine detail. Forgiving it seemed
Last edited by scottp55; 05-16-2024 at 07:32 PM.
Reason: add time
scott P.
2013 Desktop/spindle/VCP 12.0*