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Thread: Shift-Selecting a spline simplified by Vector

  1. #1 Guest

    Default Shift-Selecting a spline simplified by Vector

    Another new conversation with Shift-Select in the title. . . . It is believed that many ShopBotters (like me) took a couple of looks at the "free" Vector software and then returned to their more familiar CAD programs. All I can say to these guys is that they should start with an understanding for Vector's Shift-Select feature (one feature only) and then the value of Vector will start to reveal itself!

    End of the commercial . . . . now to the problem:

    I can get Vector to shift-select right around a complex profile of say 2000 segments. Then I use Draw, Splines, Arc Splines to simplify this profile down to about 200 segments. However, after having done this, shift-select does not want to work a second time on the simplified profile. There may be about 4 hiccups to be repaired manually.

    Can anyone (Fred, John?) give some pointers on which settings to fiddle with?

  2. #2 Guest


    Immediately after you do the arc spline, make an object. It will stay selected after that.

    At a minimum blank the arc-splined geometry & then select and delete any unselected bits left out of the original selection. These little "dots" of lines are often the cause of selection and reselection problems. Because they are so tiny, they may be selected the next time you shift select, rather than the path that you want.

  3. #3
    Gerald D Guest


    Thanks so far Fred, but could you please elaborate on "blank the arc-splined geometry"? (Maybe just the commands in sequence?) I understand the rest of your logic and I agree that the little dots are the problem.

  4. #4
    Gerald D Guest


    Found the Blank fuction, but the little dots get blanked too!

  5. #5
    sheldon dingwall Guest


    I seem to have on occasion the same trouble. It seems as though the problem is small breaks in the arcs after they are interpolated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Thorp, WI


    I've recently had a problem that might be related, I don't know. But when I make my offset, parts of the offset path are missing and sometimes when I unselect it they reappear but sometimes not. Repainting the screen doesn't work.
    Somtimes I can select these blank areas and other times not. Sounds like a graphics problem but it does this on two different machines. A particular .dxf file that I was just trying to make an offset for will only create part of the offset.

  7. #7 Guest


    A couple of tips:

    Scott: Save your .dxf as a .ccd and try working from that file. You may get better results. If not, I am clueless. I often get the situation where sections of a path may not be visible, but redrawing always makes it right.

    Gerald: make sure everything is deselected and then use shift select to chose just the paths that will be blanked (ie need some work); try reorganizing just prior to blanking. After you blank that path, redraw the window (ctrl r) and then box select the now 'empty' area you just created. If that highlights any of those little boogers, delete them and then unblank your path. In usual situations that works.

    Sheldon: Make sure you wait until after you've made all of your connect at z moves (you're basically done) before you interpolate. Usually what would appear to be a small break in an interpolated path is actually that the adjoining segments are pointing in opposite directions. This can occur when you box select and sometimes when you (shift a) select all. They should appear to connect if you shift select. Actually, if you shift select and they aren't connected, the entire path won't highlight. I haven't seen this in interpolated arcs, but I have had to go through and do the entire select and draw line connect rigamarole more than my fair share.

    Good Luck

  8. #8
    Gerald D Guest


    Fred, is there any difference in the Shift-Select versus the Cntrl-W logic? Let me explain:

    In a profile of many tiny segments, we never know in which direction Shift-select will go. So we have been selecting one element, deciding on the direction with F5, and then Cntrl-W.

    However, we have found that Cntrl-W is much more sensitive to small boogers and breaks than Shift-select.

    Alternatively, is there a way of reversing the direction of the whole profile that was most recently selected?

  9. #9 Guest


    Hey Gerald,

    I can answer the last one. If you look under the Special drop down menu, you'll see 'reverse last contour F6'. Use F9 to reverse 'em all.

    Are you using Vector 8 or 9?

  10. #10
    Gerald D Guest


    Steve, At last I also managed to get through to Fred's forum and he confirmed that Cntrl-W is more sensitive and slower.

    After having selected 2000 segments in sequence, I was too scared to go looking for drop-down menus! Yes, F9 is the key, thanks.

    Vector 9 is only a rumour as far as we are concerned.

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