Is there a way to get it to group all Sides (the ones that need drilling) onto fewer sheets rather than spreading them across all 4 sheets?
Is there a way to zero from the table rather than material top?
When saving toolpaths, it's inserting a Pause after every step (i.e. Drill_shelf, pause, Pocket_holes, pause, Dados, pause etc...). Where to I defeat that?
Are there some nesting settings I'm missing? Nesting seems inefficient, I can copy every part from sheet 4 and nest them on previous sheets in the same orientation and remove sheet 4. The number of parts on sheet 4 varies from as few as 3 to as many as 12 depending on my nesting option.
Is there a way to move a whole group of parts from one sheet to the next rather than one at the time?
Will the shelf holes "peck drill" if I set the passes to 2?
Is the MDF doors part of the program working? I've looked at it but haven't made much progress figuring it out.
I'm sure I'll have more questions but that's it for now.