Hi from the two Bills,
Bill P. and I really want to thank all the people that helped make the first ShopBot Jamboree such a great success.
* First, Martha at ShopBot. Bill and I had the easy part...we got to plan a party at someone else's house, but she had to do all the hard work of getting ready for it. If it hadn't been for all her hard work and planning we would have all been fighting over three bags of potato chips for lunch and wondering why there wasn't any place to sit!
* Ted Hall for helping us out with lots of good ideas, making sure that we had just enough structure to make it all work, and being a great host throughout the weekend.
* ALL the ShopBot employees...they worked incredibly hard getting the ShopBot shop set up beforehand and gave so much of their time during the weekend to run tools and help out with anything that was asked of them.
* The vendors and friends that provided expertise, food, supplies, and lots of neat door prizes.
* Finally and most importantly, the 100+ ShopBotters who came from all over the world to attend.... Ireland, Mexico, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, and all over Canada and the US. We hope that everyone that attended learned a little bit and also had some fun, but we KNOW that they all generously shared with each other their hard-earned experiences and ideas. It will be interesting to see what new and neat products and projects come out of this "meeting of the minds".
Thanks again to EVERYONE involved,
the two Bills